As an ECD, I was very lucky to have worked with the best. Co-running AT&T, and at a later time co-running Bud Light.

At Saatchi & Saatchi / NYC, running Miller High Life, General Mills Fruit snacks including Fruit by the Foot and others.

As a Creative Director, worked on the One Show books, ESPN, and Jack Daniel's

As a Creative Director running The Ritz-Carlton, and all other accounts outside of Lexus, and helped on Lexus.

Worked primarily on United Healthcare, AARP, and sometimes on Chilis, Southwest Airlines

Creative lead and lead art director on Audi North America.
Two influential agencies to me that are no longer with us. One is Weiss Whitten Stagliano (NYC) where I was Head of Art running The Economist and Hotjobs.com. Another powerhouse little agency in Providence, RI called Leonard / Monahan where I worked on Polaroid with some incredible young future stars.