Introducing a TV Show in 30 second increments. Yes. That is a lot like a commercial. Something educational and entertaining —a hybrid of the entertainment world, educational videos, with some of drummed up interest for events thrown in the mix. The most simple and repeatable way to do and say everything that the sales team wanted to communicate was through a standard setting of a Chevy dealership, with a consistent cast of characters. Over time, they have become familiar allowing the one thing that is new to be the star. The branded retail format is for National and local market Chevrolet Dealers. The first pilot for the commercial season launched on March 1, 2012. To date, it was the longest running, most successful Chevy retail campaign in their 100-year history.
Case Study Video
First introduction to the idea.
Series of :15 and :25 second retail spots
Chevy Silverado Sing-A-Long
Shot specifically to have some fun with the upcoming 3000 person dealer meeting and the head of sales at the time, Alan Batey (a great guy who obviously can take a joke)
This one one of many long form pieces. This one introduces Kyle on his first day at the dealership.